Setting Up a Job Alert

Automate your job searching by setting up job alerts.

Job Alerts are a specialized type of search that zeros in on the right jobs for you, using parameters you identify — from geographic location to salary range. One of the best features of a Job Alert is that it can run unattended, searching for jobs while you’re away from your computer; you tell it how often you would like to be notified of new jobs.


When you are searching for jobs, you can click the ‘Save Search’ link.

  1. Enter a name for your Job Alerts into the ‘Search Name’ field.
  2. Indicate if you want the Job Alert to run automatically and if so, how often you would like the results e-mailed to you. If you choose ‘Never’, you must run each Job Alert manually from the Job Alerts page.
  3. Click ‘Save’. All your search criteria will be saved.


On the Job Alerts page, you can manage your specialized job searches you saved as job alerts.

You can launch a Job Alert at any time simply by clicking its name. But they can also work in the background, constantly monitoring new job postings as they arrive. By using the e-mail feature, job postings can be sent to your e-mail address, giving you the opportunity to respond to them immediately.

On this page, you can edit or delete a Job Alert by clicking the ellipsis next to the name of the Job Alert. You can also create a new Job Alert, or run a Job Alert by clicking the name.