How to Be a Really Bad Actor on ClearanceJobs

Here are three ways that recruiters can be really bad actors on

In the world of recruiting, complaints can often arise from interactions between cleared candidates and recruiters. However, in a job market where passive candidates hold the power, talent professionals must choose their battles wisely, such as debating who ghosted whom first.

Even if a potential candidate is not yet ready to leave their current company, a positive interaction with a recruiter can have long-term benefits. They may recall that pleasant recruiter when they eventually experience a rough day at their current job.


Here are three ways that recruiters can be really bad actors on

1. Posting Catch All Pipeline Positions

When posting job openings for positions like "All-Source Intelligence Analyst," it may be tempting to use a generic description, especially if you have multiple contracts and staffing needs. However, it can be frustrating for candidates who take the time to apply only to find out there is no actual opening at your company.

To avoid this, it's important to be clear in your wording. For example, you can state that the position is contingent on the award of a contract or that it is scheduled to start in the future. Being upfront about these details will be appreciated by candidates.

2. Not Responding to Candidate Messages

When you send a broadcast or direct message to a candidate, it is expected that they will reply. Recruiters appreciate knowing that the candidate has seen their message, whether they are interested or not. In the same way, talent professionals should extend the same courtesy to candidates who inquire about their company.

However, it can be challenging for recruiters to respond to every message they receive, as they often receive hundreds of messages each month. They must prioritize responding to candidates who can fill current job openings.

If a candidate reaches out expressing their interest in entry-level cyber roles in the Ohio area, but there are no available positions at the moment, a simple response such as "We don't currently have any openings that match your needs, but we encourage you to join our mailing list to stay informed about future updates!" will suffice.

Recruiters can make use of copy and paste techniques and utilize the personalized note feature in their network settings to quickly engage with candidates they connect with.

3. Having an Incomplete Company Page

Recruiters should carefully consider their online presence and the impression it makes on potential candidates. It is important to have links to all social media accounts, a comprehensive summary of the company and its capabilities, and share relevant content such as job openings, benefits, and program successes. Additionally, including a complete list of current job openings by utilizing a job scraper that updates daily based on hiring needs on ClearanceJobs is highly recommended.

If a candidate encounters an incomplete or inactive company profile, they may be more inclined to explore other companies that demonstrate greater engagement and excitement.