Product Release - UVA: November 2021

See the newest upgrades to the ClearanceJobs site.

What did ClearanceJobs release today? This release is named UVA.


For Employer, Candidate, and Company Profiles, we have added the ability to upload a mobile cover photo. By adding a dedicated mobile option, we improve the branding for companies and candidates.

While all accounts will use the existing cover photo by default, all users should ensure that the selected photo is up to their specifications. The new mobile cover photo is 375px wide by 245px tall, while the existing cover photo is 1440px wide by 130px tall.

Additionally, Profile Completeness Scores were updated for both Employers and Candidates. Employers will now receive 15% for a cover photo and 10% for a mobile cover photo. Candidates will receive 10% for a cover photo and 10% for a mobile cover photo. The allocated percentage for the mobile cover photo will not be awarded until the user confirms the image.


The steps to update the mobile cover photo are simple. In the Cover Photo section, click the camera icon and select “Add Mobile Cover Photo”.


The Cover Photo Modal has two tabs, Desktop and Mobile. The user can upload a photo or select from the image library.



To give you time back in your day, we’ve upgraded both Workflow and Favorites. You can now have up to 10 Workflows live at one time. This is a change from 2 previously. Additionally, you can now have up to 10 Favorites live at one time, this is a change from 3 previously.