Product Release - Grundy Center: July 2022

See the newest upgrades to the ClearanceJobs site.

What did ClearanceJobs release today? This release is called Grundy Center.


ClearanceJobs employers are now able to plan their Broadcast Messages and schedule them up to 30 days in advance. The same business rules still apply: Users are still limited to 5 Broadcast Messages per month and all of the same required fields are in place.

When starting the Broadcast Message process, it will now display the number of messages employers have scheduled, along with the number of remaining credits for the month.


Once the message is ready to go, the option of “Schedule” or “Send now” will appear when the “Send Message” button is clicked. “Send now” will send the message immediately, “Schedule” will bring up a calendar to select a date and time to deploy the message.



A “Scheduled” menu item has been added to the Messaging list. Once a Scheduled message has been sent, it will move to “Broadcasts” in the menu.
