1. Employer

Finding Salary Information for Cleared Professionals

How to use the ClearanceJobs Salary Calculator.

Through the ClearanceJobs Salary Calculator, you can view base salary or total compensation, filtered by state, clearance level and 11 different industries.

The ClearanceJobs Salary Calculator uses proprietary data to determine the current and desired salaries for security-cleared professionals based on clearance level, location, and/or industry. Salary data is updated daily so you’ll always have up-to-date salary information.

View the Salary Calculator


Note: This calculator is meant to be used as a guide only. The salaries given in this calculator are aggregate salaries for each filter. For example, if selecting “Engineering” in the Job Category filter, you will receive salaries given by ALL engineers – those currently serving in the military, just entering the workforce, as well as those who are at senior levels with decades of experience.